
Industrial Design and Concepts

Logic is the guiding force behind my every design decision, ensuring a purposeful and user-centric outcome. My design philosophy is rooted in the principles of modernity, contemporaneity, sleekness, and logical coherence. I believe in creating designs that seamlessly integrate with the dynamic and fast-paced nature of the contemporary world.

Martin’s Block

This birdhouse was designed and built after being commissioned by the real estate company Lendlease; it is currently installed in the riverwalk of the Southbank development in Chicago (As of winter 2023).

The whole process included: conducting substantial research on the purple martin bird species and building materials, iterative sketching, prototyping, 3D modeling, rendering, and building a fully functional model.


This project was my homegoods competition submission with the end goal of making a useful and innovative household product. It is a light weight portable laptop desk made from aluminum. The product acts as a desk and also as a case to for you computer.


This project had an end goal of producing a fully functional watch able to be manufactured. I have designed a GMT watch with the intension of a everyday wearable watch. The watch features a small GMT ring which indicates the time from different time zone rather than a traditional bezel.